Derrel McDavid has been R. Kelly’s manager for decades and have been instrumental in R. Kelly’s carrier surge from 0 to 100.
Kelly and McDavid parted company last year based on mutual consent but on terms that Kelly would pay McDavid $1.3 million – According to McDavid ”Kelly made the initial $300K payment, but the deal called for additional $40K a month payments for 18 months and he hasn’t received a cent”.
McDavid was so pissed that he has this to say about the ”thong thong thong” crooner ”R. Kelly is an ungrateful tightwad who screwed over the guy who made him a star ”
Following the twist in events, McDavid decided to take the case to court and is suing Kelly for the $1M balance.
There has hasn’t been any word from R. Kelly’s camp regarding the issue though. We’ll keep you updated